children say dad can play keep work at bay remember to play
everything will be all right no need to speak we’ll see you tonight
beauty to be had in the natural world smile today appreciate what you have
summer snow thoughts of granite this i know my favorite planet
sounds of the bay called her home slash of blue sweep of gray
each living creature here on earth matters in this moment
on to way a pleasant day slice of life
one cries one snores five more
be there flying near the river trees sky and light boat sails tonight
there you go eyes a flirt to love sweet joy
like a man animate what matters his own muscles being power
sun beams and shade this sleepy day clouds in plain sight no rain till tonight
storms push the trees coyotes roam the streets so stay awhile
perfect loveliness up there they glide in a wild rush
family on the beach sisters and brothers troubles out of reach
new life new home kitty moved in
to be a bird sings the oriole nature’s choice heard
prepare the chopper rotors check engine go tales of long ago
returned to rest on safe earth landing though not the best
in the driving seat wheels turned west skipping gears she did her best
baskets full their time comes morning’s red sun
it wants to burn put on the logs watch it though because it burns
dog watched from his bed there shall come a day he said from the voice inside my head