Poppy hanging out. She looks relaxed like she might hang this way for a while but with these guys it’s usually a fleeting moment so if I want to get a picture of them it’s best to have a camera ready. We have two dogs and more cats living with us and every day I see them in situations where I think ‘perfect picture’. But if I don’t have a camera the moment is gone. This image was made with my phone camera, which I often have with me, but still takes a minute to pick up and make ready to take a picture. It’s during that minute when Poppy will typically move, but this time she did not and I got a picture. From the phone I email the picture to myself and then open it with Gimp for editing. This picture took some perspective shift to square up the table, a big crop to isolate the subject and then some filters to stack watercolor and possibly oil paint to achieve the look that I like. A picture of a cat can have universal appeal so I think this image would look nice hanging on a wall in an office environment, a vet’s office for instance, but it would be equally effective hanging on the wall in the office boardroom.
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