This image is about symmetry of the snow sculpture. The subject was carved from a twenty-foot block of packed snow during the annual International Snow Sculpture Championship at Breckenridge Colorado. Back then Dave would call his team together because he’d been invited to carve at Breck. We were also invited to carve at the National Competition held in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The sculptures at these events are difficult photography subjects because they are close together and the weather is typically bad. I somehow got this shot on a blue-sky day and not too big a crowd around it. This image was made in Breckenridge. I like how the cloud looks like it could be part of the sculpture. A steam vent. This print could give a sense of wonder if displayed in a child’s room. It could look good hanging on a wall near by a refrigerator. Shop for a new image for your home or workplace at Picturelongmont photography art gallery today.
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