Volcan Osorno stands in the distance from the back yard of a house we stayed in during a visit with family in southern Chile. This scene is complicated because of the range of contrast from the bright full sun on the mountain and trees to the dark shade on the flowers in the foreground. High dynamic range, or HDR is a tool to do in photography what our eyes and brain do without us really thinking about it. This image was not shot with an HDR equipped camera, nor processed with HDR software. Though it’s an example of a scene that could benefit from that technology. To my eye the flowers in the foreground could be a little lighter and the peak of the mountain could stand to have a touch more detail but as it is I like the image and it makes me happy to look at it. To me it’s a beautiful nature shot clearly showing human presence but without people directly in it. Not that that would be a bad thing. This image would look great printed in a medium to large size with a grey or cream-colored mat and frame. It’s suitable for display in any room of the house or office.
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